About us

Child Safe Strategies is an Australian organisation devoted to the prevention of child abuse through education and training. It was established in 2016 to support organisations, clubs, childcare, schools, government, and others working with children to create child safe environments to keep children and young people safe.

Organisations across Australia have implemented standards/principles to comply with legislation and recommendations from the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and other non-government organisations and The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. 

Child Safe Strategies provide practical guidance in a safe and informative way which shows adults what to do and how best to respond if someone has a concern. There are several important steps and tips, and we lead staff through these safely to ensure it is easy to understand.

With changes coming into play in 2022 this is the perfect time to refresh and inform staff, volunteers and parents. We offer training from 1 hour – 2 days depending on specific requirements.

Child sexual abuse is a topic that no one likes to think about, and our trainers are incredibly skilled and experienced to help navigate people through this all-too-often occurrence. Children and young people require adults to keep them safe whether in an organisation, community or online. Our training is designed to help organisations build their knowledge and capacity to keep children safe from abuse by employees and volunteers whilst providing practicable tips that staff can apply to their own children. Every child has the right to feel safe and be safe.

Every child has the right to feel safe and be safe.